In Deepak Chopra’s address to the medical community in a PBS special, “The Soul of Healing”, he states that, “these energy centers can be measured scientifically”.
Also demonstrating a fast, simple sound meditation used with these chakras. These sacred sounds appear on the right-hand side of the Sacred Chakra Mirror and the most prominent aspect of each chakra appears on the left-hand side, as useful tools for a deeper understanding and integration of the subtle bodies.

BeYond 5D

Wellness Products Designed to Release Tension,
Channel Stress & Energize Your Environment

American Hand Crafted Products

Make Beyond 5D your Temple Toolbox

BeYond 5D products Handcrafted
with Love in the USA.
The Physical Body
The Energetic &
Environment Body
Shoulder & Posture Recovery System
Neck, Shoulder & Upper Back Pain Relief &
Lower Back Support
Exponential Benefits
Cold stone facial stress relieving tools
Share a Prayer 10 pack
give away cards
Sacred Chakra Mirrors
For Alignment, Meditation
and Beauty
Blue Pearl Yoga Ministries, Classes & Privates
Currently Northern NJ Yin/Restorative/Anusara Inspired.
Commissions Available:
All Works are Prayer Pieces
Portal Portraits: Person or animal portraits. Steel, gold plated steel, cast bronze inlays.
Soul Sculptures
Angelic or portraiture wall reliefs:
clay & mixed media (crystals,clay, paint, gold leafing with steel & fiberglass reinforcing).
Winged Totem's:
Organic (material) winged pieces with totem or base.
Dancing Mobiles:
Personalized mobiles created with your own (or selected for you) life mementos such as shells, crystals, jewels, ancestral objects, keys etc. Healing Crystals, specifically for your well being or intentions can be selectively added, cleared, charged & integrated into the design.
Yoga Classes & Privates
Currently Northern NJ
Yin/Restorative, Chair, Office, Power, Anusara Inspired Yoga